Access to children

Parents or others seeking access to children or wishing to take them from school (e.g. for appointments), are required to sign their child out using our Kiosk at the office. No child is to leave our school unless it is with an approved carer without the approval of staff.


Forms must be obtained from the office and completed in every case of accident causing injury to a child or staff member and returned via the Principal. This is now completed online. In the case of serious injury –i.e involving hospital admittance the DECYP Critical Incident guidelines must be adhered to.


Assemblies are held 2-3 times per term in the GP Hall. There will be a roster to identify who and which class will be running the assemblies and sharing work. A schedule will be published on Facebook and in the school newsletter and parents and carers are welcome to attend. 


Attendance at school for children 5 years and over is compulsory. Missing school can result in gaps in children’s learning. We will contact you if this is a concern.
When your child is ill or if there is another important reason why he or she should miss school, please advise the school by a note to the class teacher or by phone, email, sms or Facebook Messenger to the school office about the reason for absences. 

If you need to collect your child from school during class time, please do so through the office. 


EDPS utilises the DECYP Respectful Schools Behaviour document that ensures that approaches to behaviour support are consistent. An effective, positive classroom depends on strong organization and efficient procedures and routines where children are clear about what is expected of them and what it is that they are meant to achieve. Teachers hold students accountable for these expectations and procedures. Classroom and school expectations in line with our schools four key values are taught and reinforced. We believe that the key to successful behaviour management at EDPS is a structured learning environment, positive relationships, well-structured and reinforced routines and clear fair expectations. Children also need to be clear about the fair consequences if they disrupt learning or harm others. Where appropriate elicited consequences are used.

Bell Times and Music

8.30am Teacher on duty in classroom
8.45am Bell to signal for children to be in classroom
8.55am Bell for classes to commence
10.40am Eating time
10.50am Bell for RECESS
11.07am Music to signal end of play - students to move to their classes
11.10am Bell to signal classes resume
12.40pm Lunch eating, supervised in classrooms
12.50pm Bell to signal playtime outside
1.13pm Music to signal end of play - students to move to their classes
1.15pm Afternoon classes begin
2.45pm End of school day. Students move to buses
3.00pm Bell to call for last bus - all students to leave grounds. 

Bikes, Skateboards and Scooters at School

There is a bicycle parking area located in the primary courtyard. Scooters can be stored in allocated space in bike/scooter area. Children are required to wheel their bikes and scooters both in and out of the school grounds for safety reasons. Parents are asked to work with the school in ensuring that children are taught, and abide by, safety rules when riding bicycles and/or scooters. Helmets must be worn by children riding bikes to and from school.

Book Club

Several times during the year, children have opportunities to purchase high quality books at a reduced price through the Scholastic Book Club. Order forms are distributed to interested families by classroom teachers and children bring their orders and money to school. Orders generally arrive two to three weeks after ordering.


The buses servicing our school are operated by Kinetic (Merseylink).

Two routes operate after school including Canning Drive, Pardoe and Ambleside. For information regarding fares, pick up points and times, please contact the bus company or follow the link:

Families eligible for free bus passes can collect an application form from Service Tasmania or complete an application online at Student bus pass for free travel – Transport Services.

Good behavior on buses is extremely important. Children are expected to do as instructed by the driver, as any misbehavior could cause distraction and result in an accident. Merseylink can suspend, or cancel bus passes of children who misbehave.

Children who do not have a bus pass or money will not be able to travel on the bus. 

Canteen and Lunch Orders

Healthy snack food and drinks are available at recess time and during lunch on Thursday’s and Friday’s. 

Children wishing to buy lunches are able to place orders in their classrooms on Thursday and Friday by 9.30am. Monitors collect the lunches at 12.35pm.

Collections of Money

All money needs to go through the front office. Money should NEVER be left in the classrooms.

Cultural Performances

Approximately three times a year, the school invites travelling high quality cultural performance groups to make presentations to our children in the General Purpose Hall. Over a period of time we expose students to a variety of cultural acts including different forms of music, dance, storytelling, mime, puppets and humor. Costs are covered by school levies, and where space is available, parents are welcome to attend.

Educational Program

The Prep – Year 6 Curriculum is based on the Australian Curriculum. Click here for more information.
The Australian Curriculum sets out what all young people should be taught and the expected learning outcomes through grade based achievement standards.

Excursion Program

Excursions are a carefully planned and important part of the classroom learning program which usually fit in with a theme or topic being studied at the time. Some excursions take the form of short walks in and around the local area, while others involve brief or longer bus journeys. All local excursion costs are covered in school levies. Parents may be invited to attend, however, parents and carers must hold a current Working with Vulnerable Children card. Please note that for overnight camps and any activities involving swimming a Major Excursion Consent form and Aquatic Activity Consent form MUST be completed by the legal parent/guardian.

Family Records

Family records are taken from the details supplied by parents when enrolling children and updated each year. This school has this essential information about children on computer database. It would be appreciated if parents could advise the Office of any changes of address, telephone numbers, or emergency contact names so that our records can be kept up to date.

First Aid

Teachers on duty usually attend to children’s minor cuts and abrasions which occur in the playground. Due to increased awareness of the need to be careful in handling blood, teachers will often encourage children to wash and disinfect their own wounds if this is appropriate. Injuries that cannot be treated on the spot are referred to our trained First Aid Officers. Injuries of a more serious nature are reported to parents by telephone, with parents being asked to collect their child from school if necessary. If deemed necessary by the First Aid Officer, children may be transported to hospital via ambulance.

Fees and Levies

School Fees are an essential part of the school’s income. All parents/guardians are required to pay, or to organise payment, towards the cost of their child’s education. These fees cover the costs of student stationary, art supplies, minor excursions and performance groups that come to the school.
Families eligible for the Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) can organise to have their fees paid by this Scheme instead. STAS application forms are available from the school.

The 2024 School Fees are as follows:

  • Kindergarten - Prep $170
  • Year 1 – Year 6 $190


All students as part of our sun safe policy are to wear a sun safe hat at recess and lunch or when required to be outside for a period of 10 mins or more during Term 1 and from 1 September each year. Children not wearing a hat are required to stay in the designated shade areas of the deck, pergola or outside the GP hall. Teachers are asked to support this by wearing a sun safe hat at the same time.


From time to time the problem of headlice appears in the school. Anyone can “catch” them and because children work and play closely together they can easily “pick them up”. Parents are advised to check children’s hair for headlice or nits at least once a week. If the problem is detected, please keep your children away from school until the whole family has been treated with recommended lotion, and all eggs are removed. Please advise the school if your child is affected. The school advises parents when headlice are detected in a particular class. Information pamphlets are available from school.


The school operate a house system for sports carnivals. New students will be allocated to a house.



Children who are unwell are best at home with someone who can care for them. It is important that the school has up-to-date details of where to contact parents, and emergency contact numbers, so that sick children can be collected. Please let the office know if your details change.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The school has Microsoft Surface tablets, iPads, laptops and desktop computers available for student use and a wireless network available in all areas of the school. Students have monitored and filtered access to the Internet, once a Computer Use Agreement is signed by parent and student. Students are encouraged to develop their ICT skills through a variety of learning activities.

Launching into Learning (LiL)

Our Launching into Learning Program runs on Wednesday afternoons and Friday mornings. Parents with children, birth to age 5 and not attending school on the day, are welcome to attend. It is a great opportunity for children to learn how to socialise and to develop important skills, and for parents to connect with the school and one another. Please contact the office for more information or just turn up!

Learn to Swim and Water Safety

The Swimming and Water Safety Program is held each year for all students in Years 1-5 and Year 6 students at risk. Children do not need to pay for the program. Check the calendar for dates.


EDPS has a well equipped school library. Students are encouraged to use our library and borrow books. They are also are responsible for caring for the books they borrow. EDPS has a dedicated Library Technician, Wendy Steven, for two days a week. Book borrowing for parents is also encouraged and available.

Lost Property

Unclaimed lost clothing is stored in the front of the office until the end of term when it is given to charity groups. Please see the office if your child has lost items of clothing.

Mobile Phone Policy

The school strongly advises that mobile phones are not brought to school; however, it is recognised that some parents need their child to have a mobile phone for use after school hours. In this case a permission form must be completed and signed by both the parent/guardian and student. If students bring a phone to school, it must be stored away whilst the students are on the school grounds in the school office. The policy is provided to all parents at book sales. A copy is also available on the 'Forms and Documents' page.


All medication must be entered in a Central register, by a parent, the register is kept in the Front Office. Medication is kept in a locked area and is administered from the Office unless otherwise requested by teaching staff. When sending children to the Office for medication, please ensure they have their own drink container. Teachers will be advised of each child’s medication time.


We send out a newsletter in weeks 4, 7 and 10 of each term electronically via Schoolzine. Please see the office staff for the address to download your app. This contains information of interest to families. Parents wishing to include items in the Newsletter are asked to do so before 12.00pm on the preceding Friday. If you do not have access to our online newsletter a printed copy of the newsletter is available from our school office.


Hours of operation are 8.00am to 4.00pm.

Parent Involvement

Parent help is a rewarding experience and is greatly appreciated. There are a number of ways that parents can become involved with the school, either as a once-off or on a regular basis. Parents must have a current Working With Vulnerable People Registration to assist with students. Before volunteering, the school must sight the Working With Vulnerable People card and record the registration number of the holder.

Please contact the school for more information about any of the opportunities below.

School Association – The School Association meets regularly throughout the year to discuss school priorities, policies and future directions. An Executive Committee is elected/selected however all parents are welcome to attend meetings.

Parents & Friends – The P&F is a sub-committee of the School Association. Their main efforts are to fundraise for educational equipment and resources and to organise social events.

Breakfast Club – This free service operates Monday – Friday from 8:30am, serving nutritional and healthy food options to the 25 – 50% of the students who drop in each day. This extremely important service requires 2 – 3 volunteers each day to function properly.

Classroom Help – Parents are encouraged to volunteer for one or more of the following activities:

  • Help with teaching and learning programs (including cooking)
  • Excursions
  • Sport and cultural events

Parent Teacher Contact

Parents are always welcome to share any concerns about their children’s well-being with classroom teachers. If you require time for a lengthy discussion, please arrange an appointment for after school with your child’s teacher.

Formal parent teacher discussion times are scheduled at regular intervals during the year. This provides the opportunity for parents to view work samples and to discuss children’s progress and goals for future learning.

Members of Senior Staff (Principal and Advanced Skills Teacher/s) are also available to assist parents with their concerns. Please telephone the School Office (6427 8932) if you would like to speak with or make an appointment to see one of these people.


Street parking for parents is available in Thomas and Drew Streets. Parents are asked to observe crossing and bus regulations at all times. Because of the potential dangers of children using the staff car park, parents are asked not to use this area for picking up or letting off their children.

Routines and expectations

Collaboratively created expectations and routines align with the DECYP Values: Connection, Courage, Growth, Respect and Responsibility. These are established within each class by the end of week 1. The implementation of Positive Behaviour Support is a high school priority. All classrooms and learning spaces will have displayed classroom behaviour expectations based on a rubric that fits our school values.

School Association

The East Devonport Primary School Association is a consultative and decision making body comprised of elected parent/community and elected staff representatives, including the Principal. The Council meets at School once a term to discuss policy matters and make decisions relating to the future educational directions of our school. The meeting dates are advertised in our school newsletter. The Election of the Association Committee is held in February and the Executive is elected at the March meeting. The Annual General Meeting is held in December.

School Photographs

School photos are taken by a professional photographer each year. Parents are under no obligation to buy these. Dates will be confirmed in our newsletter.


All children in Years K - 6 participate in athletics and cross country carnivals. From these events, children in years 3-6 are selected to represent the school in interschool and championship carnivals conducted by the North West Primary Schools Sport Association. Student Leaders also run various casual sporting activities at recess and lunchtimes for all students to enjoy. All students from Prep - Year 6 are provided with 2 specialist weekly PE lessons.

Student Assistance Scheme

The Government provides financial assistance with school books, levies and stationery for families on low or restricted incomes. Application forms are available online and are usually completed during Term 4 for the following year. Information is treated confidentially and processed by the Department in Hobart. Families will be advised in due course as to the success or otherwise of their application.

Student Illness

Where parents can be contacted, children may be sent home with approval from the Principal or AST if they are sick or unwell.

Student Leadership

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is comprised of the Year 6 Executives as well as student reps from Years 3 – 6. They provide a voice for the student body on such matters as student recognition (awards and certificates), playtime activities and ways the school can improve. They also organise fundraising events and activities that develop school spirit. House Captains and Sports Leaders also help run the various school carnivals for swimming, cross country and athletics. They also run activities during the lunch hour.

Student Learning Support

We endeavor to create learning environments that motivate and enable all students to achieve at their potential. Our support teacher works with teachers, and teacher assistants to develop learning plans, support and extension programs that provide rich learning opportunities for students who require adjustments to the regular program. A number of specialists visit the school each week to offer learning and social/emotional support for students, including a psychologist, social worker, speech therapist, Aboriginal Education Worker, School Nurse and School Chaplain.

Support Services

The following support services either visit the school on a regular basis or are available to assist families on request.
School Psychologist, Social Worker, Speech and Language Pathologist, School Health Nurse
Please talk to a member of Senior Staff if you would like further information on how to access these services.


East Devonport Primary School believes a sense of belonging and equality is encouraged through the wearing of our school uniform. This also provides better levels of safety in and out of the school during off campus activities. The School Association also encourages and supports the wearing of full school uniform. More information can be obtained by reading the EDPS School Uniform Policy. This can be found on the 'Forms and Documents' page.

Boy’s Uniform (Summer and Winter)

Red/Blue: Polo style short shirt
Grey/Blue: Trousers/shorts
Navy: Fleecy school jumper/jacket or soft shell jacket
Socks: Navy or white
Shoes: Black

Girl’s Uniform (Winter)

Official School plaid skirt/shorts
Red/Blue: Polo style short shirt
Navy: Fleecy school jumper/jacket or soft shell jacket
Socks: Navy or white
Stockings: Navy or black
Shoes: Black

Girl’s Uniform (Summer)

Official school plaid skirt/shorts with polo shirt or official school check dress.

Sports uniforms in house and school colors are also available through the uniform shop.

Please contact the office if you need to purchase uniform items. A price list can be found on the 'Forms and Documents' page.


A volunteer who is working in rooms or around the School must sign in for Insurance and Security purposes. Classroom volunteers and parents/carers who are working in our school or with our students require a Working with Vulnerable Persons Card and must sign in and out at the front office. All volunteers must also read the EDPS Volunteer and Visitor Policy the first time they visit the school. A copy is available on the 'Forms and Documents' page.

Water and Snack Break

Children are to have access to water in their classroom. All classes also permit all children to eat fruit in class each morning. This is to be implemented in such a way that disruption to learning is minimised. i.e older children may take their snack at their desk whilst working.